Letter to the CMTO Regarding Proposed Fee Increase

Letter to the CMTO Regarding Proposed Fee Increase


The CMTO has recently announced a proposed fee increase of $100 for 2023, fee increases of $75 in the two subsequent years, additional proposed increases of up to $75 annually going forward, and other proposed increases to inactive fees. 

This week, the RMTAO sent a letter to the CMTO Council President as well as the Registrar outlining our concerns about the significant burden this proposed fee increase places on RMTs. We also outlined concerns about the arguments used to justify this proposed fee increase and future fee increases, providing potential solutions to the CMTO that will reduce the burden on RMTs while allowing them to meet their financial obligations. 

Read the Letter to the CMTO Regarding the Proposed Fee Increase

We strongly encourage all RMTs in Ontario to provide their feedback on this proposed fee increase to the CMTO by July 19, 2022. The CMTO does review this feedback and is more likely to take it into account if the majority of RMTs participate. 

Provide your feedback

Tags: cmto, fee increase, provide your feedback