Meet Mia

Meet Mia


When Mia decided to pursue a career in opera singing, she noticed it was physically difficult to sing at a certain level, because tension and tightness was  getting in her way. This is why she decided to make massage therapy a regular part of her self-care, and was lucky to have found an RMT who was familiar with the specific struggles of vocal athletes like her, who was able to make it easier for her to succeed in her chosen career.

Mia underwent cranial surgery to remove a brain tumor several years ago, when she was in high school, and was not given any instruction on physical care for any symptoms of discomfort post-surgery. A lot of untreated tension was lurking several years later, and Mia found that her RMT both recognized this and helped give her tools to complete her recovery. She is very happy with the results she’s gotten from massage therapy.   

“So far, I have received mental, emotional, and physical relief from accepting massage therapy as a part of my development as a vocal athlete, and I hope to continue my relationship with this practice when I need check-ins with my body, general maintenance of my instrument, or yes… to relax!” Mia said.

Massage therapy has also helped Mia recognize the impact physical pain can have on all aspects of her life. She can now recognize the ways that stress is stored in her body, and the positive role massage therapy has in both her physical and emotional wellbeing.

“After a massage therapy treatment, I feel relieved,” Mia said. “Physically relieved, from the great care I always receive, but also mentally relieved, because I am reminded that I am not alone in my journey as both a performance artist and brain tumour survivor, and my healthcare team has got my back!”

She knows that some people consider massage therapy “a treat” or just to relax, and while she knows that massage therapy can be relaxing, she also wants people to understand that it can be more than that. She recommends that anyone give massage therapy a try as a part of their regular self-care.

“Massage therapy is really a unique journey that can be painful or emotionally charged on its way to finding a version of you that stops neglecting self-care and allows health management to be a priority in your (probably quite busy) life,” Mia said.” Taking care of yourself in this way allows your body to get rid of unnecessary stress or pain that otherwise gets in the way of your life.”

Mia credits the speed of the progress she’s experienced in her vocal journey over the years to her regular massage therapy care. She also credits massage therapy for her post-surgical recovery, both mentally and physically. She would have been extremely negatively impacted without that care, and hopes others are able to get the post-surgical care they need.

“I hope that our healthcare system can recognize how important connecting a patient to post-surgical care and recovery is, especially for minors, because the earlier we can have access to proper care like massage therapy, the better our quality of life will be,” Mia said.

In addition to helping her relieve physical tension, massage therapy has also been an important part of her self-care after significant life events, and has helped her be more successful as an opera singer. She is able to practice and perform without experiencing the pain or tension she would experience previously. She hopes that more people become aware of important role massage therapy can play in their healthcare.

Tags: MTAW, Massage Therapy Awareness Week, benefits of massage