Contents tagged with benefits of massage therapy
Video: What Your Massage Therapists Sees When They Look at You
Massage therapists are highly trained in anatomy and physiology, and this video outlines how an RMTs anatomy knowledge helps determine your treatment.
Video: Orthopaedic Testing and RMTs
This video outlines the orthopaedic testing massage therapists perform to get to the root of the problem and get you back on track faster.
Massage Therapy and Palliative Care
Palliative care is a multidisciplinary approach to care for people with life-threatening illnesses, no matter the prognosis, and focuses on improving the quality of life of both the patients and … more
Massage Therapy in the Workplace
Sitting at a desk and looking at a computer all day can be a real pain in the neck – and a pain in many other parts of your body. Sitting, or even standing all day can be rough on the body, and … more
Massage Therapy for Stress and Anxiety
Many people seek out massage therapy for the sense of relaxation it brings them. They feel a sense of calm and peace of mind from both the tranquil atmosphere and the treatment itself. However, if … more
Massage Therapy and Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a very exciting time, but can also be demanding on the body. The changing body brings with it aches and pains, including back pain, leg and foot pain, and other muscle pains. Massage … more
Massage Therapy and Sports
From beginners to elite athletes, massage therapy has been shown to be effective for athletes of all levels of participation and ability in their chosen sport. Massage therapy treatments can help … more
Massage Therapy for Seniors
As baby boomers reach the age of 65 and beyond, there is an increasing number of senior citizens in Canada. As a result, many healthcare practitioners are focusing specifically on seniors’ health … more
Massage Therapy for Chronic Pain
Pain is often associated with some injury or illness, and it’s assumed by many people to be a temporary state. But for some people, pain is a frequent part of their everyday lives. Chronic pain is … more
Regulatory Colleges Explore Clinic Regulation
TORONTO, ON., August 20, 2015 - The College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) has announced that, along with the regulatory colleges of eight other health professions, they will be involved in … more